Diaper bag essentials

Packing a diaper bag can be overwhelming. What the heck do you actually need in there?
This definitely varies by age (by the time Finn + Bee were 15 months, I really only carried diapers and wipes, snacks and sippies!) You’ll need a ton of items in the beginning to prepare for any situation. Blowouts, spit ups, changing diapers in a public place. PLUS, you’ll want to look cute and stylish while doing it (haha).
My all-time favorite diaper bag is Fawn Design Bags!
I actually received my first one as a baby shower gift from a BFF and it quickly became my favorite registry item.
The design of the bag allows you to carry as a backpack or cross-body. This option is so nice – especially for traveling! Having baby in a carrier, you can strap the backpack straps on easily without feeling off center. Place the bag cross body for a quick transition in and out of the car, restaurants, etc.
THE POCKETS. Literally designed for a new mom. The larger pockets on the exterior hold your water bottle and/or baby’s bottle/sippy. The exterior zipper is perfect for your car keys! Interior 6 different pockets for organizing and easy access.
How cute is this smaller version of the backpack.
What to pack: 0-6 months
- A spare change of clothes. Why do blowouts only happen outside of the house (aka on a plane?!) I made the mistake once of flying solo with Finn and he had a major blowout – and left the plane in just a diaper (ha!)
- Pick your not-so-favorite outfit and just leave it in the bag in case of emergency.
- Having two burp clothes on hand will save you from messes. I LOVE these Milkbarn burp cloths – still have mine from Finn!
- A wet bag
- I used these all the time with Finn especially. We started out (and lasted 8 months) with cloth diapers, so a wet bag was essential to pack the dirty diapers when out. However, when we switched to disposable, I still kept the wet bag on me for spit ups/blowouts. The bag itself is washable, so just throw the whole thing in the wash.
Diapering essentials.
- Wipes in this travel carrier
- 5-6 diapers (how cute is this diaper pouch!)
- Small desitin and aquaphor
- Small bum brush
- Travel changing mat – like this one because it rolls up super small and doesn’t take up a lot of room.
- Face and hand wipes/sanitizer. Any excuse to use these Mustela hand and face wipes is good enough for me! The smell is literally what a baby should smell like.
- Having some boogie wipes on hand too (the saline is gentle on skin!) is a good idea.
- Hand sanitizer for you – I love these EOS lavender hand sanitizing wipes or spray.
- Teething essentials.
- The dreaded teething! Having 2 teethers on hand helps occupy baby and soothe their gums if you are out of the house.
- Camilia drops – Homeopathic teething drops that will save you!
- Infant Tylenol – I always have this on hand, just in case.
Check out my complete teething post for more in depth info!
- Breastfeeding essentials.
- If I was going to be traveling out of town with baby, I never left without my Medela Harmony hand pump. I breastfed mostly from the breast so I didn’t need my electric pump, but I am prone to blocked ducts (especially when travel days are stressful), so I always had a hand pump on hand just in case. Plus it’s nice to not lug your electric pump but still be able to provide a bottle if you wanted to go out to dinner!
- If you have wide neck bottles, the Lansinoh Hand Pump is better for you.
- One bottle and nipple.
- 4-5 breastmilk storage baggies. I love the Lansinoh ones because of the double zip!
- PackIt freezable lunch bag – You know I love this lunch bag! So versatile – for work, travel, on the go breastmilk or lunches. It freezes to keep contents cold for hours. This small version is perfect for one bottle on the go.
- If I was going to be traveling out of town with baby, I never left without my Medela Harmony hand pump. I breastfed mostly from the breast so I didn’t need my electric pump, but I am prone to blocked ducts (especially when travel days are stressful), so I always had a hand pump on hand just in case. Plus it’s nice to not lug your electric pump but still be able to provide a bottle if you wanted to go out to dinner!
- Formula essentials.
- Spare bottle and nipple
- Formula container
- Ready to feed formula (RTF) – This is prepackaged liquid formula that’s available pretty much anywhere. It’s always nice to have some formula ready to go in case for some reason you don’t have access to water.
- This small version of the previous lunch bag is perfect for one bottle on the go.
- Other items.
- A spare pacifier
- A spare shirt for YOU! I used to keep an extra tee at the bottom (especially on a flight) for unexpected spit-ups and accidents!
- A water bottle for YOU! (this one is so cute and functional for fitting ice cubes!)
- A snack for you – granola bars etc. The Raw Rev Glo bars are low net carb and my favorite!
What to pack: 6-12 months
- All the items in 0-6 month essentials above
- Add a bib! I like these OXO ones because they catch food at the bottom so well.
- Food and snacks for baby.
- 2 pouches and reusable pouch toppers
- My favorite pouch brands are GoGo squeeze, Earth’s Best and Plum Organics.
- If you don’t have the reusable pouch toppers already, you’re missing out! They are a one-way valve so baby can’t squeeze contents everywhere and you can easily cap unused contents and stick in the fridge.
- 2-3 rice snackers (teething snacks) – I love these teething wafers!
- Snack cup (munchkin) – Perfect for puffs, cheerios, hot dogs, fruit and more. This top makes spilling minimal and baby can learn how to hold and grasp objects out of the cup.
- Puffs – Don’t go anywhere without PUFFS!!
- Raisins
- A sippy cup if baby is using one.
- Contigo kids water bottle
- weighted straw sippy cup for beginners
- 360 cup for older kids
- 2 pouches and reusable pouch toppers
Checkout my blog post on sippy cups!
- Other items.
- Disposable placemats – Great for early solids learners and clean up is a breeze.
- Infant Tylenol and/or Motrin
- Babies over 6 months can have Infant Motrin. Great to have on hand!
- Entertainment
- This busy book was always (and still is) in my bag!
- This Yeti rattle – so cute and entertaining!
- Cloud light up toy
- Some small trucks/tractors (these friction pull ones are a hit in my diaper bag)
- Mini books
- Crayons (these have a clear plastic case that are perfect for a diaper bag)
Other helpful blog posts:
- Items to leave at grandparents’, nanny share or second caregiver’s houses
- Why I ditched my fancy stroller
- How to travel with kids
- 10 common illnesses babies + kids get
- Busy bag kit for eating at restaurants with toddlers
**This post is educational and not meant to take the place of your provider. Bumblebaby makes a small commission on some of the items listed above