How the Slumberpod can benefit your baby’s sleep routine

Sleep usually gets thrown off during vacations and routine changes. The Slumberpod helps to keep sleep on track. Read more to learn how the Slumberpod will benefit your baby’s sleep routine.

The Slumberpod provides a consistent sleep environment

As a sleep consultant, I always recommend providing a safe and consistent sleep environment for your baby from a very early age. This allows baby to associate this environment with sleep – which helps foster sleep in the long run! Using the Slumberpod (Buy from the bumblebaby store for $20 off) consistently, for example during naps in a common room, allows your baby to be close to you and gives a sense of security for sleep. 


Allows room sharing with parents or siblings

If you plan to share a room with baby but still want to provide an environment that feels separate, the Slumberpod (Buy from the bumblebaby store for $20 off) is a great option! It allows baby to feel as if they are in their own space, but close enough to keep a close eye on them.

Light blocking material promotes sleep

The Slumberpod (Buy from the bumblebaby store for $20 off) fabric is made of breathable, light blocking material that darkens the brightest rooms. This allows you to move about with your day, play with your other children, all while baby sleeps soundly close by! 


Great for a nanny share

If you are planning on returning to work and you choose a nanny share, the Slumberpod is a great solution to small and shared spaces for naps. What’s great is that there is a slot for a camera so the nanny can watch while the Slumberpod (Buy from the bumblebaby store for $20 off) is zipped up. This allows sleep to stay on track while other babies are playing, crying or napping! It’s so easy to assemble (takes just a few minutes) so it could be set up daily or just left at the nanny share. 

Keeps sleep on track during vacation 

The Slumberpod (Buy from the bumblebaby store for $20 off) is so versatile – but vacation is what we personally use it for the most. I love the portability (it packs up so small that it fits in a carry on) and keeps sleep on track during vacation – which can be typically a challenge. The combination of light blocking material, providing a sleep environment, and fan circulation of air helps make the transition seamless.

Check out our IG Guide for more helpful info and read my blog post on how I used the Slumberpod to travel with my baby.


What to use your Slumberpod with:

The Slumberpod fits over a mini crib, portable crib or bassinet. Read more here for measurements from the Slumberpod website.

How old can the baby be to use the Slumberpod?

Babies should be 4 months or older to use the Slumberpod. Read more here for measurements from the Slumberpod website.

Need more help? Want to know all the great ways we love to use the Slumberpod? Check out our IG Guide here.

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**This post is sponsored by Slumberpod but is my true and original opinion. We work with brands that we truly love! Bumblebaby makes a commission on some items listed.

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