How to clean your pacifier in 4 easy steps – Kate’s natural pacifier soak

A chemical free way to sanitize your babe’s most prized possession. Keep reading for Kate’s natural pacifier soak (how to clean your pacifier).
How to clean your pacifier
Pacifiers and loveys – talk about germs!! While some germs are great for building immunity (ahem, finn eating drinking out of the dog bowl on the daily), it’s also great to sanitize in a safe and chemical free, yet effective way.
You all know I am an avid user of vinegar – for everything from cleaning counters, to streak free stainless steel, wound cleaning, + laundry. Vinegar, or acetic acid, is a natural antimicrobial [kills bacteria, viruses, and molds] without the use of harmful chemicals.
For you science nerds like me, acetic acid kills microbes by entering past the cell membrane, causing cell death. Acetic acid also prevents bacteria from forming a “biofilm” or basically that nasty and slimy puss you see on infected wounds, virtually leaving the bacteria defenseless! I’ll spare you more of the science stuff, but if you’re nerdy and want to learn more, click here.
We all become a little more cognizant of what we expose our kids too these days, which is why I love this all natural way to clean pacifiers and loveys. If you know Finn, you know that he still has a paci (aka, Mimi, and yes, he STILL has a paci). From very early on, perhaps because he was breastfed, he used the leg of the wubbanub pacifier as a soothing agent. And still now, has never used the plastic part! Which is cute…but also gross.
SO, once a week, I sanitize his Mimis using this all natural vinegar soak!
*this can also be used for loveys, stuffed animals, or just plastic pacifiers.
Kate’s All Natural Pacifier + Lovey Soak
- All Natural White Vinegar 5-6% Acidity
- Hot Water
- Place pacifiers in a bowl
- Add 1 part HOT water
- Add 3 parts vinegar
- Let soak for minimum of 1 hour
- Place in gentle cycle on HOT (add all contents into the wash + natural detergent)
- Air dry
And voila! As Finn says, “YAY! Fresh Mimis!”
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