What I saved, tossed, + stocked up on for baby #3

Out with the old…and in with barely anything new!
With my first pregnancy, I thought I needed EVERYTHING!! I am donating sooo many things before baby #3, freshening up on some new + necessary items and stocking up on only the essentials!
I LOVE these Happiest Baby Sleepea swaddles! I’ll be using this in addition to the Moms on Call swaddle (use code BUMBLEBABY for discount) and method (read more about how Moms on Call relates to Bumblebaby here). I also love the Woolino sleep sac and swaddle blanket (use code BUMBLEBABY10 for discount! )
**For more of my favorite sleep sacks and swaddles, click here!
Love and still love this car seat! This seat is safe for 7 years, so still good for baby #3, and has held up so well. Light weight compared to others on the market. I love that you can use it without the base – perfect for grandparents and vacations. Please know – the Nuna Pipa LITE cannot be used without the base.
For more of my favorite car seats, click here!
SOOO soft – I prefer a cloth carrier in the beginning days – especially for smaller babies. The cloth is adjustable to baby’s size and molds to their body so well.
Used this carrier all the time once baby was a bit older. I love the fact that you can do rear or forward facing for curious babies around 6+ months.
Storage bottles
No need to replace storage bottles! I have about 100 Medela bottles. I will sterilize them before use! (once a day in the dishwasher or with Medela quick steam bags).
I didn’t love this for breastfeeding. I did use it ALL THE TIME for tummy time, learning how to sit up, and as a barrier when baby did learn to sit by themselves! Please know this item is NOT meant for sleep. Check out our “Safe use of Containers” post.
These SwaddleMe wraps make it SO simple! Perfect for anyone who isn’t quite comfortable doing their own blanket swaddle. I’ve also heard RAVE reviews on the Ollie swaddle. It is back in stock here! For more of our favorite swaddles and sleep sacks read this blog post.
DUH! Even a consultant needs to brush up sometimes. I will be thumbing through the toddler book and using the Typical Day Schedules for baby+toddler so I can get all THREE kids napping at the same time every day! Use code BUMBLEBABY for discount!
Need help with sleep? Kate is a certified sleep consultant and can help you through a text or video chat consult!
Kate created a Successful Sleep e-guide with tips to get sleep on the right track through the first few months, including schedule tips, naps, and sleeping through the night. Purchase it here.
Checkout Kate’s recorded sleep workshop on successful sleep for 0-4 months with all of her tips and tricks!
Rock’N’Play (RNP)
The RNP was recalled. See more in my Safe Use of Containers post.
About 20 muslin blankets (donated!)
I am not a huge muslin blanket fan! They don’t swaddle well, but I do love them for a light cover in summer/over the stroller. I kept a few of my favorites (Aden + Anais are the softest).
Old under white onesies
Stained and nasty! Time for new ones in short sleeve and long sleeve (I love the basic white ones for newborns).
Medela Pump in Style (Recycled!)
…..I didn’t love this pump. It wasn’t efficient enough for me and it HURT! I was always plagued with blocked ducts, and actually traveled to work early to use the Medela Symphony instead. With Bee, I used the Medela Sonata, which is dreamy and by far the best electric pump I have ever used – both in comfort, efficiency, and output. Since the PISA is a single user pump, I recycled it through Medela’s program.
Old breast pump parts
While you don’t need to use a new electric pump with every baby, you should definitely replace your parts before the next baby. Parts should be replaced every so often (based on how much you pump, if you are an exclusive pumper you’ll need to replace more often!)
Old hand pump
For the same reasons as above!
I LOVED and used my hand pump ALL the time. So useful for date nights!
- If you have narrow neck bottles, the Medela Harmony Hand Pump is for you.
- If you have wide neck bottles, try the Lansinoh Hand Pump.
Nursing bras
They get so nasty!
- Time for new ones like this gorgeous Dairy Fairy Ayla bra (in Sage) and (dual pumping and nursing!)
- Or this Coco Sleeping Night Nursing bra (can be used when not nursing!) with matching panties! Seamless and SO cozy – plus a little sexy!
- Use code BUMBLEBABY for discount!
- I also love just some everyday nursing bras from Amazon.
Pumping bras
I’ve switched out my hands-free pumping only bras for dual pumping and nursing bras – it allows you to switch between the two and not change your entire outfit or take off your bra to pump. If you’re a breastfeeding and pumping mama (or want to save time and do this at the SAME time) then these two are the way to go:
- The Dairy Fairy — see above (use code BUMBLEBABY for discount)
- Larken Tanks and Bras – These dual nursing and pumping bras are SEAMLESS and so cozy. Love them for the postpartum period when your skin and nips are super sensitive.
- code BUMBLEBABY for discount!
Postpartum Undies
Even though I love a good granny panty, time to replace for the next baby. With postpartum bleeding, you’ll want to toss between babies.
- Did you know that you will have a “period” type flow (even with a c-section) after you give birth? You’ll wear pads, mesh undies and granny panties for around 4-8 weeks, so don’t spend a ton on these undies.
- Keep it simple with these Amazon undies so you don’t feel guilty throwing them away.
- If you want something a little cuter, try these Kindred Bravely postpartum and c-section underwear! They’re super soft!
- FridaBaby also sells mesh disposable underwear that you can just throw away!
Old Bottle Warmer
Can’t tell you how much I have accidentally scorched my milk! I need a more accurate bottle warmer. This BabyBrezza formula dispenser and breastmilk bottle warmer are luxuries that I cannot live without for baby 3!
Old crib sheets (donated!)
These have a life expectancy! And I love having new sheets for a new babe. I’m redoing Bee’s room to fit the new baby – how cute are their new cribs and sheets?!
Items I STOCKED UP on:
Spectra S2 Electric Breast Pump
WOOO! I have heard SO many good things from you about this pump and I cannot wait to try! The S2 has a battery, so it’s portable which is so nice!
- I’ll need these adapters to be able to pump into the Medela bottles that I already have. Need adapters to pump directly into your bottles (Avent, Comotomo, etc? I have laid EVERY adapter out in my Back To Work post here).
- I’ll still be keeping my Medela Sonata and will give you a good review of each!
- Both are closed system and hospital grade.
Bibs pacifier
These did not exist with Bee! I love them for all of my clients – the soft center and latex nipple allows for maximum grip and it’s the only paci that actually stays in baby’s mouth.
- I use these latex nipples, so they need to be replaced every so often (make sure they’re slow flow for newborn and I’ll be buying about 10 of them for baby 3) .
- I’ll be using these Gerber plastic nurser bottles to go with the latex nipples (but I won’t be buying any new bottles since I have about 50 of them from Finn and Bee and will be sterilizing them before baby 3 arrives!)
Storage baggies
I LOVE the Lansinoh storage baggies for two reasons – they lay very flat for easy storage AND they have a double zip for extra spillage protection.
- Check out my Back To Work Post for literally every storage option with adapters to pump directly into baggies or bottles.
- Also check out my Formula Post for formula prep tricks (have you heard of the formula pitcher method?!)
Disposable diapers
I used cloth diapers for the first 6 months with both of my previous kiddos. I loved the eco-friendliness of them, and honestly it wasn’t a TON of more work – but this time I am minimizing my stress level and going with eco-friendly disposable diapers.
- Honest Company disposable diapers
- Parasol disposable diapers
Safe baby bouncer
Had to toss the RNP – it was recalled. Read more here in my RNP alternatives post.
New breast pump parts
While you don’t need to use a new electric pump with every baby, you should definitely replace your parts before the next baby. Parts should be replaced every so often (based on how much you pump, if you are an exclusive pumper you’ll need to replace more often!)
Breast pump adapters
I’ll need these adapters to be able to pump with my Spectra S2 directly into the Medela bottles that I already have. Need adapters to pump directly into your bottles (Avent, Comotomo, etc? I have laid EVERY adapter out in my Back To Work post here).
New hand pump
It’s so easy to replace a whole new hand pump – about $25. For the same reasons as above!
- I LOVED and used my hand pump ALL the time. So useful for date nights!
- If you have narrow neck bottles, the Medela Harmony Hand Pump is for you.
- If you have wide neck bottles, try the Lansinoh Hand Pump.
Deep freezer
I’m not sure how long/if I will breastfeed with baby #3, so I want to stock up and store as much breastmilk as possible in the beginning.
- Deep freezers keep breastmilk for 1 year (vs 5-6 months in a conventional freezer), so I’ll be able to extend the amount of time baby gets breastmilk if I decide to supplement with formula or stop breastfeeding all together.
New dual nursing and pumping bras
I’ve switched out my pumping bras for dual pumping and nursing bras – it allows you to switch between the two and not change your entire outfit or take off your bra to pump. (see section above for more detail)
- Dairy Fairy (use code BUMBLE for discount)
- Larken (use code BUMBLEBABY for discount)
Postpartum undies
Even though I love a good granny panty, time to replace for the next baby. With postpartum bleeding, you’ll want to toss. (see section above for links)
- If you’ve had a c-section, check out these c-section friendly undies by Nyssa. (use code BUMBLEBABY for discount)
I have promised myself that I will not be as hard on myself this time about breastfeeding! I am planning to have Bobbie Formula (USE DISCOUNT CODE BUMBLEBABY).
Additional bassinet
Since the RNP was recalled, I want to have a safe and elevated space for baby #3 that is also flat for unsupervised sleep. I have a bassinet that us. family tradition (it’s wicker), but I would recommend these 2 that are safe and budget friendly:
Additional monitor
- I have used the Infant Optics for both kids and plan on getting another add-on camera for #3.
- I prefer a non-wifi monitor for a few reasons:
- What if Wifi goes out?! This has happened to us before!
- I like to disconnect when I am out of the house, it leads to less anxiety for me. That’s personal, though!
- I prefer a non-wifi monitor for a few reasons:
- Also dying to try this Nanit!
- Staples for little boogy noses! Along with this saline spray.
- Checkout my blog post on 10 common baby + child illnesses and remedies
Additional sound machine
- Hatch for baby #3 also!
Bottle warmer Can’t tell you how much I have accidentally scorched my milk! I need a more accurate bottle warmer.
- Planning on using this BabyBrezza bottle warmer.
21 Essentials for Delivering Partner
I’ve laid out everything MOM will need here!
21 Essentials for baby
I’ve laid out everything BABY will need HERE!
- I’ve heard RAVE reviews! I’m so happy to have this on hand this time.
- Since the Ollie is sold out everywhere, this one is great alternative and is half the price!
- More of my favorite swaddles and sleep sacks are listed here!
Moms on Call Swaddle and Method
I never used this with my other kids, but seeing the magic it works on my clients, I will DEFINITELY be using it with baby #3.
- Here’s the swaddle blanket and method. Use code BUMBLEBABY for discount.
Crib and mattress
- Newton Crib Mattress is the first 100% breathable and eco-friendly mattress that I am using for baby #3! You know I am a stickler for safe sleep, and I know I can rest even easier with this mattress. It’s also COMPLETELY washable – how cool is that?!
- Use this link and code NB50 for discount!
- I’ll be putting the baby in this 3-in-1 convertible crib! (how cute are all of these colors)
Making the decision to grow your family and add another baby(s) is a HUGE step! I hope you found my suggestions and tips above to be helpful! Remember to take one day at a time and try to be patient with your other family members when bringing your baby home for the first time. Enjoy the ride and try to find your happiness in the pure CHAOS!!
Other helpful blog posts:
- Kate’s favorite sleep products for 0-6 months
- 10 safe swaddles and sleep sacks
- Kate’s 5 S’s of sleep for successful infant sleep
- How to get through the third trimester of pregnancy
- 13 things no one told you about postpartum
- Kate’s favorite TTC, pregnancy and breastfeeding safe products
Have more questions? Schedule a text or video chat consult with Kate, Lauren or Natalie (NICU RNs) and they can help answer any questions that you have!
**This post is educational and not meant to take the place of your provider. Bumblebaby makes a small commission on some of the items listed above.