When to transition to a toddler bed

It can be tough to know when the right time to transition to a toddler bed is. Truth be told, it completely depends on the situation and personality of the child! But here are Kate’s tips on when to transition (and when to not!).
1. You’re having another baby and need the crib
- If you have the means to purchase another crib and your child is doing well in a crib, this is a good option. Your nights are about to become sleepless and we don’t need to add stress!
- Alternatives to a crib for baby:
- portacrib with infant insert (please note baby cannot sleep in inclined piece, only the flat insert)
- portable bassinet
- mini crib
2. The toddler is climbing out of the crib
- If your toddler is climbing out of their crib (try this crib tent first!**) and have figured out the crib tent escape
**Please know the AAP does not approve of any objects in the crib so the use of this object is a parenting choice.
3. Your child is about 2+ years old
- If it’s not broken, don’t fix it! Some kids stay in their cribs until 3-4 years old, it just depends on the child.
- Children can transition to a toddler or big bed as early as around their second birthday. Success totally depends on personality, routine, and consistency.
4. All of the above + they can follow commands and understand your commands
- If they can tell you they want candy, they can stay in their big bed 😉
Wondering how to transition or having trouble with the transition to a big bed?
Check out Kate’s e-guide on how to transition to a toddler bed safely for a step by step process.
Have more questions? Schedule a text or video chat consult with Kate, Lauren or Natalie (NICU RNs) and they can help answer any questions that you have!
**My favorite kids mattress that I use for Beesie and Finn is the Kiwi Mattress from My Green Mattress. (use code BUMBLEBABY for $125 off all mattresses).
Other helpful blog posts:
- Potty training tips and how to know your toddler is ready
- How to know your baby is ready for one nap per day
- 5 things most parents don’t know about car seat safety
- Items to leave at grandparents’, nanny share or second caregiver’s house
- How to travel with kids
- 10 common illnesses babies + kids get
**This post is educational and not meant to take the place of your provider. Bumblebaby makes a small commission on some of the items listed above